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ICRS directors
International Coral Reef Standard Ltd
Scientific Services / >
Scientific | Economic | Credibility | Stakeholder Interest - LINKS! UNDERLINE
  • Full Biodiversity Audit (All AUdits to ISO 140001 Standards)
  • Environmental Risk Analysis (ERA)
  • Ecosystem Impact Assessment (EIA)
  • Accurate baseline data essential for its future economical and ecological survival

  • Health Status Report
  • Statistical analysis of findings to identify current trends

  • An Environmental Management Strategy to safeguard reefs (EMS)

  • Assessment of  biological criteria to EPA - Tier 2/3 Level

  • Coral Transplantation
  • Artificial Reef Creation
  • Reef Regeneration Programmes
  • Direct access to top world scientific consultants in this field

  • Database of diseased/dead or new corals and subsequent deterioration or regeneration/growth rates

  • Photographic and video surveys

  • Full seascape/resource analysis

  • Echo sounder maps of coral dominance

  • Maps of seabed/substrate types
  • Graphical representation of risk areas
  • Preparation of Corporate Social Responsibility and sustainability reports

  • Staff education in resource management

  • Grading system according to the ICRS Standard™ for reef management
  • A sustainable and lasting resource
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