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ICRS directors
International Coral Reef Standard Ltd
About us

International Coral Reef Standard is a consultancy service that surveys and monitors the health of coral reefs for hotels, resorts and private islands around the world.

This unique service informs businesses of  the best way to safeguard their natural resources. The natural habitats and beautiful settings upon which hotel businesses are built are under threat all over the world. The International Ecotourism Society recently reported that there are 109 countries with coral reefs. In 90 of them reefs are being damaged through various human activities.

We are an independent organisation with highly qualified marine biologists who have spent years specialising in the field of coral reefs. The service will include a comprehensive study of the hotel's coral reef providing accurate information on the abundance and diversity of all species, fish, coral, invertebrates, and algae that live on the reef and the relative levels of dead or diseased coral present.

ICRS Ltd. is one of the most ambitious conservation concepts to be developed since the formation of the World Wildlife Fund. It is the first conservation programme specifically designed to assess the total economic benefits and value of marine habitats and the flora and fauna that live within it. The baseline data that is collected by our marine scientists will provide crucial data on the holistic health of current coral reefs. We train users and stakeholders of coral reefs to master practices of responsible tourism so commercial activities and nature can co-exist in harmony.

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